St. John 2013

February 2013

We spent two weeks in a lovely cottage overlooking Johns Folly Bay, with views of sunrise, the sea, and the British Virgin Islands. During the first week we hiked with Julie and Howard from Lameshur Bay to the Petroglyphs; from Leinster Bay to a ruined Great House, just off the Johnny Horn Trail; from Salt Pond to Ram’s Head. We always ended at the beach and, later in the afternoon, retreated to the comfortable shade on the cottage decks. Rachel, David, and Sandra came the second week for a relaxing time in the sun, with enough overnight rain to fill the cistern. A highlight was watching a green turtle, with a remora fish attached, swim and eat. When the turtle surfaced for air, the remora rolled to the underside of the turtle, then returned to the top shell as the turtle dove.  We didn’t have an underwater camera, so there are no photos of this activity.

There are, however, many other photos, arranged here roughly in chronological order, with sunrises or morning activities noted for the start of each day.